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Fifty Shades of Bray!

8 Feb

Composite of fifty images of America’s favorite Native American doing what she does best.

MA – Marxists Anonymous – Hello, my name is Guy and I’m a friend of Karl

8 Dec

Remember, remember


21 Nov

Drink Obama Cola

Deval Patrick acting like contender for 2016

17 Nov

Darkh Lords of BullSith

Deval Patrick acting like contender for 2016.

The current governor of Massachusetts has designs on a higher office.

You’ve been warned.

Say привет to my little friend.

16 Nov
Lenin's puppet
Say привет to my little friend. 

Keep leaning, my friends.

16 Nov
If the Tea Party isn’t your cup of tea, try Obama Cola.

Karl Marx for Obama Cola
Recommended by the world’s most socialist man